
10 Life Lessons From The Highway (Part 9 of 10)

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The highway can present an intricate network of options for directions to travel. Which way should you go?


You never know who is observing your behaviour on the highway

The highway is a public space, with every legitimate user having a right to access. Some require toll to be paid, while others are free to use. There are unfortunately users who are sometimes not equipped to be there, and that can be problematic for public safety.

We sometimes make the mistake of believing that we are anonymous users of the road and hence feel we can ‘let loose’ on anyone we feel violates our own concept of what responsible driving is.. Someone cuts into our lane causing us to have to brake suddenly to avoid an accident, and we lash out in a manner that might, in hindsight, make us embarrassed. It might just be that our behaviour is being observed by someone who saw us as role models.

Or sometimes we are late for some appointment, and figure we can exceed the speed limit, looking out for the highway patrol, making sure to observe the speed limit while said personnel are visible. I recall doing just that on one occasion and figured that I managed to evade the authorities. Well a few days later I got a speeding ticket in the mail!

Similarly in life we sometimes go about our days not caring what impact our actions have on others. We fail to consider how we respond to situations that we encounter and the possible impact it will have on someone who is observing us even without us being aware.

We won’t always see the warning, but sometimes we are being observed, incognito!

We take shortcuts, bend the rules, tell lies here and there, all in the name of getting ahead. In other cases rationalizing that our actions are justifiable because ‘nobody is getting hurt’ by our actions.

While we seek to get ahead in life, it is not ok to seek to get ahead at all cost! As members of our various communities, we have a responsibility to adhere to the rules that are put in place to ensure smooth operation of that community.

As we journey through our days, let us be mindful that we will not always know who is watching us, and we should therefore ensure that our actions can stand up to scrutiny.

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