
Life = Relationships

God knew we would need relationships, so He made sure we were born into one!

We didn’t choose the family we were born into. However, for different reasons some wish they had a different family.

Family is not necessarily biological; that is, someone does not need to be related by blood in order to be(come) family.

As we grow older we develop bonds with others and generally come to choose our friends and partners. Some will choose to ‘go it alone’; however, the reality is that having healthy relationships help provide an overall state of better mental health.

Relationships provide a support system for us, and while we would hope some will last forever, life sometimes has other plans. Sometimes people come into our lives for different reasons which, once fulfilled, causes the relationship to dissipate, and then they leave.

If someone chooses to leave, think about whether you are prepared to do whatever it takes in an attempt to change their minds. Most likely, once someone has decided to leave, nothing you can do will let them change their mind, so let them.

We sometimes grieve at the loss, but it is important that we accept this reality early, so that we can move on.

Our goal should be to protect the relationships we value and do our part to be fair and reasonable in our interactions. Once someone has moved on, let them go and draw strength and support from those relationships in your life that happen to be going well.

Relationships are a means by which we can state: “We’re all in this together.”