
50: The Age Of…

Growing up…one experience at a time

There is no magic switch that suddenly gets flipped at the age of 50. Except perhaps when you hear your Doctor say: “Now that you are 50 we need to begin…”

Or perhaps when you realize that you have to start checking a different box when presented options for ‘Age Range.’

But you don’t suddenly find that your bones are creaking, and your joints are now refusing to glide freely as they once did. You don’t suddenly find that your ‘get up and go has got up and left’ and you can no longer will yourself to do the things you are accustomed to doing.

You don’t suddenly find that all the hair on your head suddenly turns grey; or find hair suddenly growing from parts of your body you never knew had hair. Neither does it mean that all of a sudden, missed opportunities have been lost – permanently.

So many things can be accomplished after 50! Perhaps you want to start a business all your life but you suddenly find the motivation to do so. Or perhaps to learn a new skill; or to start a Blog, or publish your first book. Or to learn to ride a bicycle; or learn to swim, or any of many other things you have always dreamt of doing. You can still choose to take on whatever challenges you want to take on – just as always.

After all 50 does not mean ‘expired!’ On the contrary, 50 is still the age of possibilities! Yes – 50 is the age of DARING GREATLY! I still believe that even at 50, the possibilities are endless. So I eagerly look forward to all that this phase of my life entails. You will probably hear more about that as time goes by.

“You have the power to choose the kind of life you want to have – even after 50!”

#growingup #newadventures #embracing50 #50