Personal Growth Self Awareness Self development

Changing Our Perspective

Blue Pill? Or Red Pill? – Popular meme from The Matrix

We are usually more accepting of a bad situation if it resulted from our own act or omission. However, when we are faced with a situation that we did not cause, and which we feel unfair or unreasonable (have you ever found yourself wondering ‘Why does this have to happen to me!!??), how do we handle that?

– We tend to tolerate our bad situations better when we learn to put them into perspective

– Frequent trips to the principal’s office is likely preferable to frequent trips to the hospital, even though each, on its own, causes grief.

– We are likely to choose a broken limb over an amputated limb even though we would prefer neither situation in the first place.

– We are often more tolerant of a bit of extra noise, at nights, when we compare that with an inability to hear in the first place.

Our preferences are often dependent on the impact of our immediate circumstance on us. When we find ourselves at our most vulnerable, when we are crying for relief, our immediate goal is relief, from any source available. When that relief does not come fast enough, if at all, we often take steps, sometimes irrational or destructive, to force the relief we seek.

“Dear Lord, please send me unending pain and anguish, suffering and poverty”, prayed no one ever! But when we do encounter these realities, we learn to navigate them and can cope, indeed thrive, because of them.

Let us consider our circumstances and what causes us grief, and think about what other ‘bad’ situation we would gladly trade it for, understanding that whatever it is that we consider unbearable, someone else , at this very moment, is enduring even worse!

We don’t always get the opportunity to choose what challenges come our way, but how we respond can help determine the outcome.
personal growth Self development

Is it time for Surgery?

Is it time for surgery?

If you have had the need to undergo a surgical procedure of any kind, and for any reason whether cosmetic to life-saving. then you can likely appreciate its benefit.

Whether it was elective, urgent or emergency surgery, it would have inherent risks of some sort: risk that the procedure would not solve the targeted problem, risk that the incorrect procedure would be performed, risk of creating an unintended outcome, or worse.

In life we all need surgery of a different type; the kind that does not necessarily result in the loss of any physical limb or organ. Instead, there are sometimes people, behaviours, habits, or ideologies that need to be amputated or otherwise removed.

The aim is to remove any hindrance to personal growth and progress, while replacing some behaviours or habits with positive ones, or totally eliminating some.

This requires an honest, deliberate and strategic assessment of who we are, where we are, and where we need to get to. Any surgical procedure we undertake must point to that objective and like physical surgery will require a period of healing and recovery as we learn to adjust to the change in our condition.

If you find yourself in a place where you are no longer progressing, no longer growing, no longer happy, no longer proud of the person you see looking back at you in the mirror, then maybe it is time for Surgery.

We have the assurance that with patience and the right approach to our recovery, we can become as good as new in no time.

So is it time for surgery?

#surgery #hindrance #becoming #newyou #improve #strength

Don’t Quit


Circumstances outside of our control sometimes impact the outcome of our race. Along the way it may force us to consider actions like ABORT; or CTL-ALT-DEL; or RESTORE FROM BACKUP; or maybe a full RESET to a specified previous point.

We will have obstacles, but not every obstacle presents a reason to quit.

  • Don’t quit just because the race turns out to be harder than expected.
  • Don’t quit just because you become tired and frustrated.
  • Don’t quit just because someone tells you that you are not good enough.
  • Don’t quit just because you do not ‘see how you can possibly make your way through.’

Don’t ever lose faith in your ability to accomplish that which is important to you, regardless of the obstacles you encounter. You might not necessarily become the best at something, but you should always aim to do the very best you can at everything you do.

Success, which comes against apparently insurmountable odds, yields unparalleled satisfaction. Yes, success is its own reward. You only have a chance at success if you actually stay in the race.

#dontquit #dontgiveup #fighton #motivation #inittowinit #inspiration #motivation #race #life #reward #youcandoit #winning # victoryisyours


Things Will Get Better

The absence of sunshine does not mean the sun is not there.

What do we focus on most when we go through our days? What determines whether we feel we are having a good day, or a bad day? It is quite easy, and perhaps normal, to focus on the situation we currently face rather than the more significant aspect of who we are becoming as a result of the situation.

Like our mood – which changes from moment to moment in some cases – our situation is only a fleeting, minuscule aspect of our daily lives, unless we fail to see such situation for what it really is and become paralyzed by it. Of itself it does not define our long term outcomes. After all our moods sometimes change a lot doesn’t it!

No matter what is going on in our lives, there will always be a brighter tomorrow. Just keep holding on.

To see beyond our situation is to see our life as a whole rather than a fleeting circumstance, no matter how dire. Our circumstances and situations change, and while we are impacted by them, we can look beyond them and find hope for brighter days ahead.

After all, the absence of sunshine does not mean the sun is not there.

caring kindness love matters

Three Little Words

Three little words often spoken so lightly
Just three ‘little’ words they may seem
But those three little words when said sincerely
Can cause tears to flow down like a stream

These three little words are often overused
Without any thought of consequence
Sometimes they leave someone quite confused
About another’s motive and intent

Many friendships start through these three words
But the opposite can sometimes be true
So before you use those three little words
Make sure that’s what you really want to do

There is great power in these three little words
That can brighten up someone’s day
You can totally change their view of the world
As they travel along their way

These words are mainly said to family and friends
But they can be said to strangers too
These three little words that are by no means simple
Are the three little words “How are You?”

Start a conversation with someone by asking them ‘How are you?’ and actually WAIT for a response. This simple act can transform someone’s day into something that much brighter.

#howareyou #threelittlewords #beingkind #caring #inspiration #motivation #lovematters

changes individual differences motivation others patience personal growth


When we respect others’ right to be different, we promote peace and harmony

You could perhaps call it ‘the Cliche of the century’ but it still remains true: everyone is different. No two persons will have the same combination of experiences, traits and genes that will allow one to be a replica of the other. Our values will therefore be different, and our expectations will be different.

To try forcing our views and values on someone else, or setting our expectations of others based on our own is therefore futile, and perhaps even silly.

I suggest that our best option in effecting change, is to BE the change we want to see in others. If we value respect, hard work, honesty, strong relationships, or whatever the case may be, then our best bet is to demonstrate these values by practicing them. We will find that it is the consistency of our actions that has the greatest impact, not the loudness of our ‘preaching.’

People see, experience and interpret things through the lens of their own experiences. I believe it is important for each of us to be self aware – having a good understanding of ourself, and to seek to recognize that we do not need to understand where another person is coming from in order to respect their right to be different, or to act different.

We usually claim the right to having our own opinions about things, and will defend that vigorously. Others have equal right to do so as well.

As we approach the new year, how about striving to be more self-aware, supportive, patient, respectful and tolerant of others while celebrating our differences. Then witness how beautiful the results would be!

We are all in this journey called life together, each of us being unique – just like everybody else.

#selfcheck #differences #respectothers #values #harmony #inspiration #motivation #embracedifferences #diversity

changes Embracing Change motivation personal growth

So you have changed; and that’s a good thing!

Without the process of change, the caterpillar would never become a beautiful butterfly

So someone says you have changed – and that might be the best compliment ever!

Stagnation is not only boring, it is also dangerous. No matter how much you enjoy who you are today, or enjoy what you do today, don’t expect this to be the case always. It should NOT be the case always.

You see, change is a natural part of life. Take a look in the mirror; do you look the same as you did five, or 10, or 15 years ago? Aging is not something you DO, it is something that HAPPENS! Almost without realizing it, you are changing.

Similarly, your different experiences lead to a constant evolving of your outlook on life, the goals you have set for yourself, your level of general maturity, your capacity to tolerate hardships, among other benefits. When someone says ‘You haven’t changed one bit,’ that is not necessarily a good thing!

Embrace changes, not only in your external environment, but more importantly from within! The hardest thing to conquer is one’s self. Bringing our base impulses under subjection is a difficult task, especially when those impulses are inconsistent with what we know to be best for us! Nevertheless we should always aim to aspire to greater things: greater love for others; greater humility; greater self-control; greater awareness of our need for ‘community’; and above al else, greater willingness to submit to the power and authority of our Heavenly Father!

So next time someone says ‘you have changed’ just respond ‘Oh thank you for the compliment! I have been working hard at it!’

#change, #growth, #changeisgood, #youcandoit, #embracechange, #dailymotivation, #dailyinspiration


The Power of S-T-A-R-T

The START…it hardly ever looks anything like the final product. In fact, it is quite likely that there is hardly any resemblance whatsoever! However, in your pursuit of BETTER, to achieve that end product – whatever that looks like – you have to START somewhere.

We sometimes make excuses: “I don’t have the time,” or “It will take too long to finish,” or “It is too hard,” and sometimes we tell ourselves that when the right situation, or person, or opportunity comes along we will start. Unfortunately sometimes that never happens.

We are often our own worst enemies. Forget about others who tell you it can’t be done, or that you are making a mistake, or that you are wasting your time. People will attempt to discourage you, especially where they are assessing your capabilities through their own impaired, narrow-minded vision of themselves. Just START.

Some things are beyond our control: we breathe, we sweat, we grow older, we…die. Simple and mundane things like the passing of the seconds on the clock, yet all critical to the sustenance of life. But to achieve the outcome we desire, so long as that outcome represents a desired improvement in our current situation, it requires the faith to just START…from somewhere. From wherever you are at, this very moment.

Time always flies when we look at it in hindsight. When you look back – weeks, months, or even years from now – will you be able to say it was time well spent? Will you be able to say that you were bold enough to START even though the end result was not immediately clear? Or will you have to concede that it was time wasted…all because you failed to START?

The choice is yours; I’d love to hear your perspectives!

#start #juststart #youcandoit #powerofstart #inspiration #yougotthis #bebold #dontstop #stepbystep #keepgoing #dontwait

We can only attain the heights that we dream about reaching when we are prepared to get up and start the journey!


Beyond the Physical: The Beauty of a smile

The beauty of a smile is dependent not on the aesthetics that adorn it, but rather on the magnitude of pain and the sadness through which it has struggled to shine.

The value of a smile is accentuated when it is provided to someone who, despite their inner turmoil, harbours a feeling of loneliness and hopelessness which, on the receipt of such a smile, manages to smile back in return.

A smile serves its best purpose when it shines through despite circumstances and events that might seek to keep it hidden.

O. N. Rowe