Inspirational Thoughts

Choose To Win

Keep pushing through
Don’t Quit


Circumstances outside of our control sometimes impact the outcome of our race. Along the way it may force us to consider actions like ABORT; or CTL-ALT-DEL; or RESTORE FROM BACKUP; or maybe a full RESET to a specified previous point.

We will have obstacles, but not every obstacle presents a reason to quit.

  • Don’t quit just because the race turns out to be harder than expected.
  • Don’t quit just because you become tired and frustrated.
  • Don’t quit just because someone tells you that you are not good enough.
  • Don’t quit just because you do not ‘see how you can possibly make your way through.’

Don’t ever lose faith in your ability to accomplish that which is important to you, regardless of the obstacles you encounter. You might not necessarily become the best at something, but you should always aim to do the very best you can at everything you do.

Success, which comes against apparently insurmountable odds, yields unparalleled satisfaction. Yes, success is its own reward. You only have a chance at success if you actually stay in the race.

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