
“It’s YOUR Fault; Not MINE!”

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If you keep looking for someone to blame, you will find them.

“I’ve messed up yet again; who should I put the blame on this time?”

Well…maybe not in those exact words, but by our very actions we might very well be guilty of blaming others for our mistakes and failures.

We all make bad decisions: some intentional, some unintentional, and others, well, through other people. Yes, sometimes we make decisions that involve other people who we use as surrogates for ourselves, creating the perfect opportunity to disown the outcomes. Decisions that can lead to one logical outcome: our own downfall.

When we selfishly live our life without considering others around us, we are setting ourselves up for isolation and loneliness;

When we fail to consider the feelings of others in our interactions with them, we are creating a hostile environment for ourselves;

When we pursue a philosophy of win/lose, where ‘I must win and you must lose’ thereby putting us in competition with everyone else, we instinctively find ways to keep others down ‘by any means necessary’.

When we selfishly refuse to lend a helping hand to someone else in need, even when we have the ability/capacity to do so, we are limiting the chance of others helping us in our own times of need.

When we seek to blame our past, our parents, or our circumstances while growing up for who we have become and for where we are now, we are denying the free will that we have, as adults, to make our own decisions.

Yes, when we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions and their outcomes, we might well be indirectly shifting the blame to others. Owning our actions and their outcomes allows us to humbly accept the responsibility for their outcomes, and the reward from learning from them.

Because he who refuses to learn from his mistakes is bound to repeat them.

If this were your name tag, would it accurately reflect who you are?

#OwnIt #TakingResponsibility #ItsMyLife #SuccessDependsOnMe #Winning

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