
Routines Are Important (And So Are Disruptions)

DISRUPTIONS: Can’t live with them; can’t live without them

Our days are full of routines. They are necessary for us to operate at peak efficiency while infusing some measure of predictability and a healthy level calmness into our days. Regardless how spontaneous we might be, we do observe routines in most aspects of our lives.

Sometimes our routines get messed up. At times it results from our own action or inaction, while other times it is caused by events outside of our control. Perhaps it’s our bus being late; or a medical emergency; or perhaps something as simple as having to go back for an item we accidentally left at home.

When our routines are derailed we might find ourselves stressed and in a rush trying to ‘catch up’. The result: missing out on opportunities to take a well-needed break; missing out on opportunities for personal growth; or missing out on opportunities to share a laugh with friends. Sometimes it means missing out on opportunities to be a blessing to others.

Let us be alert to opportunities disguised as disruptions to our routines that we encounter each day. Let us anticipate disruptions and plan for them. When these disruptions come, let us seize the moment, and take advantage of the opportunity they present, to have a positive impact on the world we live in.

#HandlingDisruptions #Disruptions #Routines