
First Impressions Last – But Should They?

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We generally aim to ‘make a good first impression’; but perhaps this is idea that is actually quite overrated?

Because of our varied personalities and experiences, we are all predisposed to displaying different behaviors in different situations and around different persons, behaviours which might even be seen by some as ‘inappropriate.’ Given that each of us reflects the amalgamation of our various experiences at any given point, isn’t it therefore unreasonable to write off someone on the basis of that one ‘first’ impression? Is that how we would want to be treated?

We all have bad days and bad moments which, in hindsight, we may not be proud about. Some of these experiences can often be the catalyst that drives us to improve, or to become better persons, thereby allowing us to ‘grow’ out of that person we were when we displayed such behavior. Furthermore, how many of us have always shown their ‘true colours’ when meeting a group of total strangers? There is – or ought to be – room for redemption for everyone.

By that same logic, we are all capable of doing good things at different times, even those who we would consider undeserving of being shown kindness in any form. Therefore, would the sight of someone displaying good or positive behavior convince you that such a person is necessarily someone you would consider a ‘good person?’ It could be quite risky to form such a conclusion at that stage.

Furthermore, to continue to treat others on the basis of first impression is to ignore the fact that we too are making a first impression on someone else and therefore are subject to the same kind of judgement we pronounce on others, some of which can ultimately keep us back.

Let’s face it: if we were to rely on first impressions to write off or build attachment to others, our sphere of friendships would likely look very different today.

#FirstImpressionsLast #FirstImpression

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